This is the buffer Zone between the South and the, Korea. All the way to the Zone one notices security fencing and guard houses. These guardhouses each have two armed guards.
Manning these places must cost the government a fortune!
It was so exciting doing this trip as both Warren and I had visited Check Point Charlie which divided Germany, many years ago.
It is worth going on an organized trip as the guides have many stories to share plus all the history. This zone is supposed to be one of the most dangerous places to be in the world.
A view of North Korea. |
The South Korean Government has turned this Zone into a Tourist destination and while one is cautioned all the time, the whole experience is rather exciting.
Memorials have been erected and places where the public can pay tribute to their loved ones.
Several tunnels have been discovered where the a north Koreans have attempted to infiltrate the South and Tunnel number three is open to Tourists to visit. It is a challenging walk to the end of these tunnels and coming back Warren had to push me up the long incline otherwise I might still be battling to get to the surface!
A bullet ridden train engine. |
This station was built to cross the border but has never been used!
This trip took about four hours.
On return to the city we decided to round off the day with a visit to the War memorial.
One of the things that surprised me that in this rather somber museum there were many groups of little children visiting with their teacher.
On asking I was told they were three or four years old. I am sure they enjoyed seeing some of the airplanes and tankers but for the rest.... I am not so sure.
One thing I did enjoy seeing is a tribute to the South Africans that took part in the Korean war of 1950 to 1953! South Africa sent 826 men to Korea. 243 were Air Force Staff and 543 were ground personnel. 37 men gave their lives to the cause.
The Statue of Brothers. The elder a South Korean soldier and the younger a North Korean soldier, symbolizing the split between the North and the South Korea. |
Thanks for publishing this post about the DMZ. I have forwarded it on to my husband's E-mail addy at our (Australian) Returned Services League (RSL) Sub-Branch, so that he can, in turn, forward it on to Korean veterans. Our RSL is like the Amvets Posts in the US but was formed before the end of WW1. My husband is an Australian Vietnam Veteran and our Sub-Branch President. We do have some Korean veterans in our Sub-Branch and they may be interested in seeing your post re the DMZ.