I have to keep pinching myself to believe that I really am in the States, in San Francisco and with our precious family. What beautiful grand children we have. They have all settled down really well and thriving on living in this community. Diana loves living here too and is amazed at how friendly and kind the neighbors are. Their home in Piedmont is totally child oriented and allows for lots of creative play. Hannah had set up a tea party to welcome us and we had many hours of enjoying "tea parties" and eating and drinking all sorts of delicious delights. We are going to have lots and lots of fun together.
Molly is the energetic and creative child who loves loves to draw and cut and paste. She loves jumping on the trampoline in the back yard.
Hannah wants to work in Target when she is big or she says will work as a fashion designer. I will put my money on the fact that she is going to be creating the fashions to be sold at Target and elsewhere. Hannah loves dressing up in her hat, beads, beautiful dresses and bag. She is such a dear little girl just waiting for her birthday next week!!

Benjamin Nelson has become a little boy since we last saw him and is a VERY skillful hitter of the ball and is going to keep his Poppie on his toes! He is a delightful little fellow and tries to keep up with his sisters.
Our first full day here Christopher loaded us all up in the family car and we set off through the city centre towards the The Golden Gate Bridge. WOW....what a wonderful sight.
I was curious to know why it was called the Golden Gate and evidently o. July 1, 1846, two years before gold was discovered in California, U.S. Army Captain John Fremont looked at the narrow strait that separates the Bay from the Pacific Ocean and said "It is a golden gate to trade with the Orient," thus the name stuck.

The bridge claims to be the Most photographed "span" on the planet!!
This is a beautiful statue called the Lone Sailor and is dedicated to the thousands of American sea farers who have sailed past this spot near the bridge in peace and war, to defend their country and it's frontiers. This monument is dedicated to the ordinary sailors and marines who did not return from their duty.It is summer holidays here and the place was buzzing with lots of tourists and visitors. Some looked a little strange.
We ended up having lunch at a super fish restaurant in Tiburon. My word, we were amazed at the huge generous servings of food!! After our visit to Korea where one orders one meal and it is enough for two, our meal here would have fed many Koreans!!
On our way home, we drove through the lovely suburb of Sausalito. We were also able to see Alcatraz Island in the distance.
What a wonderful day we had and I know a great start to our month in the USA.