There are over fifty galleries selling Art. We were able to see work by several film stars, for example, Red Skelton, Anthony Quinn, Anthony Hopkins amongst others.
We really loved this piece of work although I am not sure I want it in my home!
Of course we were on a mission to find the quilting shop and see some traditional Hawaiin quilts.
Unfortunately the person working here was not very friendly so we did not spend too much time in the shop. We found a general clothing and gift shop that had a lovely display of Hawaiin quilts for us to enjoy.
I love these three examples. If you are interested in knowing how these are done, think back to your school days when we folded a square of paper into eighths and cut "snowflakes" and that will give you a good idea! The edges are needle turned onto a background fabric and with a little echo quilting, you have a Hawaiin quilt!
We ended our day off with a wander down to the harbour and lunch at the Pioneer Inn.