Snacks, water, hats, more water, bicycle, balls... All packed and we are ready to head off to the park. It is my first visit to this particular park and it turns out to be a "Work in Progress" with lots of renovations taking place. In between the building rubble, the park is beautiful with lots of water features, great exercise equipment, jogging and cycle pathways. The streams are loaded with fish which the kiddies love to try and catch. The bigger areas of water have hundreds of terrapins slipping in and out and having a wonderful time.
The atmosphere is lovely with K.L. enjoying cooler weather and even a breezes blowing through the beautiful trees. The birds are singing and filling the air with melodious sounds which is such a pleasure especially for us who live in "condo land". Joggers are working up a sweat, Mums and Dads are out pushing the pram and I even saw old folk being pushed along in their wheel chairs.
Joshua has reached the age when he needs to discard his "fairy" wheels and ride independently. Do you recall your first bike? Although it is all of sixty+ years ago if I close my eyes and cast my mind back I can feel my father's steadying hand on my back encouraging me and telling me that I can do it! That is what parents do....forever. We put out that steadying hand and say "you can do it"! Joshua is making great progress and needs a few more mornings like this, encouraging and urging him on. Then one day he will be off and the feeling of achievement will be so sweet! He won't look back and he will enjoy hours and hours of fun cycling with his Mum and his Dad. The only thing that will change will be the size of his bicycle. Maybe one day he will say "look folks,no hands,"

I hope Joshua treasures this experience and the memory of his Mom and Dad holding and guiding and helping him to balance and gain confidence as he learns yet another skill.

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